Yesterday’s weather, mid-January, was some kind of weird here. The historical average temperature range is -22.4 to -30.6 (-8.3°F to -23.1°F). Yesterday it was +3.3 to -2.3 (37.9°F to 27.9°F)!

Oh, and it rained making roads & paths dangerously slippery as the rain turned the accumulated snow to ice. (My legs were aching before my daily walk to check the mail was half over and I was soaked!)

Drivers whose tires were less than perfect found it impossible to get up the big hills. The police ended up blocking off one of the major access roads until they could clear off the accumulation of inadequately outfitted vehicles.

The slippery road up to the Plateau ended up blocked by skidding cars, vans, and trucks.

Humourous circle: when Apple ships Vision Pro, it will close the product name circle with VisiOn.

VisiOn, published by VisiCorp. (marketers of VisiCalc) was one of, if not the first GUI environments on the PC.

I hope Vision Pro is more successful!

Screenshot of the VisiOn desktop, courtesy of Wikipedia.

Walking home by the airport early this evening. Snowy, but also windy & relatively warm but you can’t tell that from the picture. As W.O. Mitchell said, “Who has seen the wind?”

Snow in the airport flood lights at night.

link: The Personal Photo Curator: A New Profession is Born

PetaPixel: The Personal Photo Curator: A New Profession is Born

The average family may shoot four thousand photos in a year. If you have been taking pictures since the iPhone 3G came out in 2008, it means that now, after 14 years of a trigger-happy existence, you are inundated with over 50,000 photos. And you probably cannot find a perfect shot from a vacation you took just three years ago.

Enter personal photo curator Isabelle Dervaux, who can make sense of your photo mess and get your collection organized and, more importantly, functional.