Articles: Mon 26.Feb.2024

Guardian: I contacted my bank to report a scam purchase. Why didn’t it cancel the transaction?

As scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, deceptions are harder and harder to spot. In your case, it sounds like you might have shopped on a fake or cloned website of a store you are familiar with. Scamwatch has some good resources on how to spot scams, but these aren’t foolproof and the onus is certainly not on you as a consumer to avoid becoming the victim of a crime.

Michael Tsai: 2023 Six Colors Apple Report Card

Summary of various (knowledgeable) people’s comments on Jason Snell’s Apple report card.

Atlantic: Derek Thompson: The Americans Who Need Chaos

These [need-for-chaos] individuals are not idealists seeking to tear down the established order so that they can build a better society for everyone,” the authors wrote in their conclusion. “Rather, they indiscriminately share hostile political rumors as a way to unleash chaos and mobilize individuals against the established order that fails to accord them the respect that they feel they personally deserve.” To sum up their worldview, Petersen quoted a famous line from the film The Dark Knight: “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

Several months after I first read Petersen’s paper, I still can’t get the phrase need for chaos out of my head. Everywhere I look, I seem to find new evidence that American politics is being consumed by the flesh-eating bacteria of a new nihilism—a desire to see existing institutions destroyed, with no particular plan or interest to replace and improve them.

TorStar: Ford comments on judges pose ‘substantial threat’: Lawyers

Premier Doug Ford is doubling down on his desire to have “like-minded” judges in Ontario courts, a stance described by lawyers as a “substantial threat” to the independence of the courts and the public’s confidence in the justice system.

“I am going to make sure we have like-minded judges,” Ford said Monday during question period at Queen’s Park in response to a question from Liberal MPP John Fraser.

The premier’s comments confirm and go further than already controversial remarks he made to reporters late last week in response to a Star exclusive that two of his ex-senior staffers have been appointed by his government to the arm’s-length committee that vets and recommends judges for the Ontario Court of Justice.

The Advocates’ Society, the national organization representing lawyers who appear in court, told Ford in a letter Monday — prior to his comments at Queen’s Park — that they had serious concerns with what he said on Friday.

“Your comments — and the approach to judicial appointments that your comments convey — pose a substantial threat to the independence of Ontario’s judges from the government and to public confidence in the administration of justice in this province,” society president Dominique Hussey told Ford, cc’ing his attorney general, Doug Downey.

Wow — Doug Ford has Trump disease!

InsideEVs: Automakers Are Lobbying To Roll Back EV Adoption. It May Work.

The auto industry doesn’t love admitting this, but it was really hoping that last year would be like the early 1970s were for color television–the point where a new technology takes off while an older one could begin to be phased out. With electric vehicles, adoption is proving to be less predictable than they wanted. Now many automakers want to dial back expectations for EV adoption. They’ve already convinced their shareholders. Their dealers work every day to dissuade consumers. And it’s certainly good for their balance sheets in the short term.

BestLife: Costco Shoppers Are Abandoning These Kirkland Products: “Gone Downhill”

Customers claim that many of the items they’re buying are not as good as they once were.

In the comment section, more Costco shoppers spoke out about the decline they’d noticed in other Kirkland products, including juices, detergents, fruits, veggies, chicken breasts, salsas, toilet paper, and diapers.

“Costco started going downhill as soon as COVID hit,” one shopper wrote in the Reddit thread. “I’m letting my membership lapse or downgrading to basic.”

It seems to be the same in Canada. (Sample size of 2 people.)

MacRumors: Netflix No Longer Allowing Subscribers to Pay Through Apple’s App Store

Though Netflix stopped allowing customers to subscribe to its streaming service on iOS devices way back in 2018, it has allowed customers that were already subscribed that way to continue using in-app purchase to pay. Payment through Apple’s platform is set to stop, however, because Netflix does not want to continue to pay Apple a 15 percent cut of those subscription fees.

This pretty much seals their fate with us.

Last Updated: 26.Feb.2024 20:30 EST

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