CleanTechnica: Oil Companies Know Hydrogen Is A Dead End, But It’s A Handy Way To Hold Back Electrification

Reasonable minds may differ on the question of whether hydrogen fuel cells have a place in the clean-energy future. However, it’s a fact that the fossil fuel giants have been heavily hyping hydrogen, and it’s not hard to see why, as the vast majority of hydrogen is currently produced from natural gas.

⋮ > However, recent comments by an oil industry lobbyist concerning the industry’s efforts to undermine climate regulations indicate that Big Oil’s double-dealing strategy — butterflies and grandchildren for the press, lobbyists and campaign cash for policymakers — hasn’t changed.

⋮ > However, that’s not the approach that the oil companies are taking. They’re pouring money and lobbying efforts into convincing politicians to direct public investment to building a “hydrogen economy,” with considerable success, notable in Canada, Germany, and the UK.